Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy assists each child and their families to accomplish a myriad of goals to augment their gross motor development, strength and function, while subsequently promoting an enhanced quality of life.
Our son had a stroke during delivery and within the first week of his life we were told by the neurologist in the NICU that the chance of him ever walking unassisted at any point in his life was “not good.” Dr. Dana and Dr. Cheryl are miracle workers. Through their hard work, guidance, and support, our son is 17 months old and running around the house. He is 100%, A+, and hitting every single benchmark. We are forever indebted to Dr. Dana and Dr. Cheryl.
Physical Therapy assists each child and their families to accomplish a myriad of goals to augment their gross motor development, strength and function, while subsequently promoting an enhanced quality of life.
Integrated Listening Systems (iLs) is a unique multi-sensory system, which combines auditory (sound), movement (motor) and language features to simultaneously enhance the brain’s neuronal connectivity (brain’s ability to make new connections), while positively impacting several areas.
Sensory Integration (SI) Therapy helps to harmonize an individual’s nervous system in order to process and make meaning of incoming sensory information they receive from the environment. SI also involves the ability to appropriately respond to the information for optimal sensory motor integration.
Safe and Sound Program (SSP) is a unique auditory program that entails listening to music designed to retune the nervous system via its access to cranial nerves. This is essential for the functioning of one’s ability to feel safe and socially engage. This 5-day intervention program is suggested to commence prior to the initiation of physical therapy. Call to discuss.
Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from Overcoming the things you once thought you could not do.
~ Rikki Rogers
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